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Presentation Topics

Below are details of the various topics covered for each audience: elementary, middle school, high school parents & educators, and adults.


Topics are tailored to the audience and can be adapted for parents, teachers, psychologists, and medical professionals. These topics can also be converted into full and half-day workshops for educators.​


Past presentation examples are displayed at the bottom of this page.

Parents and Educators

Preparation, Not Punishment

Understanding what Executive Function is and how to develop Executive Function Skills in K-2 Students.

Empower Your Student Without the Power Struggles

Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Develop Practical Strategies for Setting Expectations and Creating Clear Consequences.

What are executive function skills and how to foster them in elementary students

An overview of executive function skills and best practices to nurture their development in elementary students.

Middle School
Parents and Educators

Failing Forward: How To Empower Middle School Readiness through Proactive Parenting

Practical strategies for parents to prepare their children for the challenges of middle school and proactive steps they can take.

The ADHD Support Blueprint for Middle School Students

Ensuring A Smooth Start To Every School Semester For Proactive Parents And Educators.

High School
Parents and Educators

Supporting Students With Executive Functioning Difficulties:
Evidence-Based Strategies for Success

A deep dive into executive function skills and research-based strategies that can improve these skills.

The ADHD Support Blueprint for High School Students

Ensuring A Smooth Start To Every School Semester For Proactive Parents And Educators.

Fostering Executive Function Skills in Students and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

An overview of best practices for parents and educators when supporting Autistic students and young adults.


7 Questions to Supercharge Your Executive Function

Practical strategies for boosting executive function to help manage day-to-day responsibilities and career.

Past Speaking Examples

UCSF Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences: 
Supporting Students With Executive Functioning Difficulties: Evidence-Based Strategies for Success (2024) 

Fusion Academy:
“The ADHD Support Blueprint: Ensuring A Smooth Start To Every School Semester For Proactive Parents And Educators” (2024)

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